Deepening connections & communication with the Ancestors

Pictured above: Dawnbee’s maternal grandfather who now lives with the ancestors.

Throughout human history, various cultures have believed in the profound influence of ancestral spirits on our lives. An ancestor is a person who is part of one’s family history and lineage, but has passed away and transitioned into the next life. These connections with those who came before us can be a source of guidance, wisdom, and healing. In this blog post, we'll explore the world of Reiki, delve into the ways in which it can deepen our ancestral connections, and discuss communicating with our ancestors. Additionally, we'll explore the creation of ancestral altars and the role of the Akashic records in enhancing our healing journey.

Understanding Reiki Healing

Reiki is a holistic healing practice that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. It involves channeling universal life energy (known as "ki" or "chi") through the practitioner's hands to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Reiki is based on the idea that energy blockages can lead to illness, and by removing these blockages, the body can heal itself.

Deepening Ancestral Connections with Reiki

Reiki can play a significant role in deepening our connections with our ancestors in several ways:

  1. Energy Flow: Reiki helps balance and harmonize the body's energy. When we are energetically aligned, it becomes easier to connect with the spiritual realm, including our ancestors.

  2. Meditation and Mindfulness: Reiki encourages practitioners to cultivate mindfulness and meditative practices. These states of consciousness can facilitate communication with ancestors and promote a deeper understanding of their guidance.

  3. Intuitive Insights: Reiki can enhance one's intuitive abilities (oh hey third eye chakra), making it easier to perceive messages or guidance from the ancestral realm.

Communicating with Ancestors

Communicating with the ancestors is a deeply personal and spiritual experience, and the communications/messages can be downloaded in many different ways. Here are some techniques to help you establish a connection and open that channel of communication:

  1. Meditation: Regular meditation, especially focused on your ancestors, can create a receptive mental space for communication.

  2. Dream Work: Pay attention to dreams, as they can often serve as a conduit for ancestral messages and insights.

  3. Offerings and Rituals: Create rituals and offer symbolic items (e.g., candles, food, photographs) on an ancestral altar to honor and invite their presence.

Creating an Ancestral Altar

An ancestral altar is a sacred space dedicated to connecting with your ancestors. It is not necessarily meant for prayer or worship, but instead to create a safe, spiritual environment to commune and remember. Here's how you can create one:

  1. Choose a Location: Select a quiet, clean, and dedicated space in your home where you can set up your altar. Maybe an area by a window that doesn’t get a lot of traffic.

  2. Items for the Altar: Many people choose to adorn their altar with a cloth, and it is recommended that it be white or brown in color, but your favorite fabric/one that holds memories will do just fine. Include items that have personal significance, such as photographs of ancestors, candles - (color/candle magick can be applied here), incense, crystals, plants and offerings like food or drink. You can include things like their favorite hat or pair of earrings. When choosing these items of significance, it’s also important to incorporate things from your own ethnicity and culture, maybe even doing a little bit of research to find relevant herbs or spices. After finding your items, you may want to check if you have incorporated each of the elements (earth, water, air, fire, ether).

  3. Personalization: Arrange the items in a way that feels meaningful to you and your ancestral connection. You can also change the setup based on your intentions or seasons.

  4. Items for communication: A journal to write any requests of guidance from your ancestors can be helpful. Tarot/Oracle cards are another great way to receive messages, I do recommend having a familiarity with your deck and the workings behind card readings before you take this step.

When creating/refreshing your ancestral altar, remember to offer a cleanse of some sort, whether that is with water, smoke, crystals, etc.

Let’s take a moment here to acknowledge, that I personally believe, there is no right or wrong way to do this. I invite you to release the idea of perfectionism and doubt, and instead, embrace the knowledge and wisdom of your ancestors that is already present within you. If you do not have all the items you “need”, trust that your ancestors will bring them to the altar for you. This space is a physical home for them, but I always like to remember, that their first and true home, is within our bodies.


Reiki healing is a powerful tool for deepening ancestral connections and communicating with ancestors. By creating an ancestral altar, you can enhance your healing journey and gain valuable insights into your ancestral heritage. These practices can bring healing, wisdom, confidence and a sense of continuity to your life, strengthening the bonds between past, present, and future generations.

Wherever you go, your ancestors walk with you, each step of the way.

Click here to book a Sacred Pathways Reiki session, with the specific intention of deepening ancestral connections.


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